by Advantage Point Test Prep
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Congratulations! You have stumbled upon one of the most powerful ACT test prep tools on the market.
Because the ACT is so predictable, taking and analyzing official ACT tests is key to success on test day. Therefore, we strongly recommend that students study with either version of The Real ACT Prep Guide, the book published by the ACT company. This is the only book on the market with real ACTs. However, this book has several shortcomings.
-The Real Guide doesn't give you a "big picture" view of the skills you need to improve.
-Even if you realize what skills you need to improve, the Real ACT Prep Guide doesn't review any skills tested on the ACT.
-The Real ACT Prep Guide doesn't offer practice problems.
-The Real ACT Prep Guide doesn't offer "sneaky" strategies. After all, this would be a conflict of interest for them.
Boost Your Score! is the solution. This software offers:
-A comprehensive analysis of students' strengths and weaknesses based on performance on 4 real ACT tests (the free test on the ACT website and the 3 tests in The Real ACT Prep Guide)*.
-Pinpoints the exact skills students need to improve
-Comprehensive review of all skills tested on the ACT
-Links to practice problems, quizzes, interactive worksheets, and tutorials to boost any skills needing improvement.
-Powerful, proven strategies for all ACT sections
Requires: MS Excel 2003 or higher. Internet connection to access resources.
*We provide a link to the free practice ACT on the ACT website. The other 3 tests are in either version of The Real ACT Prep Guide.
(Please note that the tests in the (much cheaper) previous version of the Real ACT Prep Guide are identical to those in the newer version. Either version can also be found at your local library for free.)
**ACT � is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which neither sponsors nor endorses this product.