by Corel
Platform: Windows 7 / XP / Vista, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Date first available at May 1, 2011
Buy new: $229.00
11 used & new from $220.26
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Corel Painter 12 is the finest professional digital art software in the market. Internationally recognized for its RealBristle Painting system, Painter lets you control brush behavior, pressure and color intensity more realistically when paired with a graphics tablet. Plus, its line-up of “Real" digital art tools mimic the look and feel of their traditional counterparts with the greatest authenticity. Think unparalleled content, customization and compatibility! Explore hundreds of brushes and dozens of paper textures, watercolors, paints, oils, pastels and more. Import multi-layered files using PSD file support. And customize everything, from your workspace to color palettes and brushes, to create the best fit for you. Anything's possible with Painter 12!