by Microsoft Software
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Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 is a business publishing and marketing materials solution that helps you create and distribute effective publications for print, Web, and e-mail. It's the easy way to develop and share a wide range of business and marketing materials in-house. Now featuring new and improved capabilities to guide you through the process of creating and distributing in a variety of mediums, Publisher 2007 gives you the tools you need to build your brand, manage customer lists, and track your marketing campaigns.
Personalize your marketing communications using new E-mail Merge, personalized hyperlinks, and your own creativity View larger. |
Nothing reflects your brand identity as well as a high-quality publication, and Publisher 2007 now offers new and improved tools that help you efficiently create, customize, and reuse a wide variety of marketing communications materials that are tailored to your company's specific needs. Get started quickly by choosing from a library of hundreds of customizable design templates or blank publications, including newsletters, brochures, flyers, postcards, Web sites, e-mail formats, and more. Create a business identity for all your business and personal needs that includes your company name, contact information, eye-catching fonts, vivid colors, and your unique logo.
Time-Saving Template Options
Publisher 2007 is chock full of time-saving options, like the new Search tool which lets you quickly locate and preview high-quality templates from Microsoft Office Online right within the Publisher Catalog. Categorize, preview, open, and save your templates efficiently within My Templates for fast retrieval. For faster turnaround, store frequently used text, design elements, and graphics in the new Content Store so you can use them in other publications. For example, easily place content from a multipage newsletter into an e-mail template or Web layout for online distribution.
Easily preview your own brand elements--colors, fonts, logo, and business information--and apply them to all Office Publisher 2007 content for a more relevant Getting Started experience. View larger. |
Publisher Tasks
Use Publisher Tasks to get help with common procedures, such as inserting images, creating a mail merge, or reusing content, and take advantage of the enhanced Catalog Merge to produce frequently updated materials--such as datasheets, catalogs, or price lists--by merging text and images from a database. Customize your publications using a collection of intuitive design, layout, typography, and graphics tools. Then run the enhanced Design Checker to identify and fix common design errors in commercial print, Web, and e-mail publications prior to distributing or printing.
Personalize Your Publications and Marketing Materials
Publisher 2007 includes new E-mail Merge capabilities, enhanced Mail Merge, and Catalog Merge, making it easier than ever to send personalized e-mail and print marketing communication materials. You can also create truly unique materials by customizing and then experimenting with intuitive design tools--let your creativity run wild!
With Office Publisher 2007, you can share, print, and publish professional-looking layouts with ease. View larger. |
Publisher 2007 gives you the option of combining and editing mailing lists within Publisher from multiple sources, including Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Access, and more. Use the list to create personalized e-mail and print communications or mailing labels, or to build custom collateral such as catalogs and flyers. You can also use Personalized Hyperlinks to personalize the display text and destination of a hyperlink within an E-mail Merge. In addition, improved integration with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager (available in Microsoft Office Small Business 2007 and Microsoft Office Professional 2007) enables you to initiate and track the distribution of marketing materials created in Publisher 2007.
Share, Print, and Publish With Ease
Publisher 2007 provides new and improved ways for you to share, print, and publish your materials with ease. First, you can save Publisher 2007 files in a fixed file format, such as Portable Document Format (PDF) or XML Paper Specification (XPS), for easy sharing. Additionally, PDF settings within Publisher 2007 include options for online viewing, desktop printing, and commercial printing.
Take advantage of full commercial printing support for large quantities and high-quality printing; Publisher 2007 includes four-color process printing, spot color printing, cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CMYK) composite postscript, and more. Or use the improved Pack and Go Wizard to prepare your files, including a press-ready PDF file, for a commercial printer. Improvements in e-mail distribution and viewing, including support for sending multipage publications as a single-page message, make it easier than ever to create and send publications as e-mail messages. Finally, you can convert publications for viewing on the Web, and then identify and correct unintended desktop, commercial print, Web, and e-mail problems using the improved Design Checker.
PUBLISHER 2007 WIN32 ENGLISH CD. GeneralCategory : Creativity Application Header / Localization : English UNSPSC CodeUNSPSC Code : 43231500 Product IDUPC: 882224157100Manufacturer Part: 164-04130