by Microsoft Software
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (Standard Edition) is a comprehensive, high productivity professional development environment for building high performance, multi-tier applications for Windows, Web, and common consumer mobile devices. Intended for individual developers software development teams to build departmental client/server Windows applications and Web sites, Visual Studio 2005 provides a wide range of tools that streamline and enhance development processes.
Visual Studio 2005 combined with ASP.NET 2.0 offers an improved enviornment for publishing and administering a Web site. View larger. |
Create a single Master Page template to define the layout of multiple content pages. View larger. |
Use the new Accessibility Checker to identify noncompliance problems. View larger. |
From the user's perspective, installing your ClickOnce application is simplicity itself. View larger. |
Among the new features in Visual Studio 2005 include integrated SQL Reporting Services, integrated ClickOnce support, dozens of new reusable controls for creating Windows and Web applications, master pages support for maintaining a consistent look and feel across Web applications, and an "Edit and Continue" functionality for simple, intuitive debugging.
Included in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition are Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C#, Visual C++, and Microsoft Visual J# programming languages; tools for building Windows and Web solutions; SmartPhone and Pocket PC development tools; and tools for visually designing databases, queries, and stored procedures.
Intuitive and Powerful Development Features
Visual Studio 2005 is the ideal tool for the part-time or occasional developer that will streamline the development of client/server solutions. Development time is speeded up with intuitive, "What you see is what you get" functionality, drag-and-drop visual designers, a time-saving code editor, and an enhanced debugging environment. "Drag and drop" user interface designers are available for virtually every type of application, and Visual Studio 2005 also includes a built-in Web server for testing Web applications, so that IIS is not needed.
With Visual Studio 2005, you can take advantage of the powerful, enterprise-class Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. It also lets you automatically package and publish applications with a few easy clicks, thereby significantly simplifying interactive Web development and letting you easily manage consistent, reusable Web site layouts using time-saving master pages.
With enhanced debugging features, including hundreds of reusable controls, you can significantly reduce the amount of code you have to write and debug for common programming scenarios, saving you hours of development time. You can create better Web applications by writing less code, thanks to the more than 50 new server controls in ASP.NET 2.0. With new 64-bit debugger support, you can debug 64-bit applications with nearly identical capabilities as in 32-bit application debugging. You can also rapidly convert your 32-bit ASP.NET 2.0 code into a native 64-bit application without any recoding or manual recompiling. And if your code fails to compile, the AutoCorrect feature makes it easier than ever to identify and fix the problem.
Visual Studio 2005 includes several file editing and management features that will quickly become indispensable in your development process. With the "Change Tracking" feature, you can see at a glance where you have made changes to your code, and which of those changes have been saved. The "Clean Solution" tool lets you clean all of those unwanted intermediate files out of your solution with a single click. An "AutoRecover" feature prevents data loss by automatically recovering your work using periodically saved backups of your files.
Several "ClickOnce" features help to streamline your development as well. With "ClickOnce Deployment" you can publish your ClickOnce application easily to a central location from Visual Studio 2005, and let client machines install it from there. "ClickOnce Installation" makes installing applications on client machines easier than ever for users and administrators. But streamlined approaches don't mean that Visual Studio 2005 compromises on security. Not by a long shot. In fact, Visual Studio 2005 makes it easy for you to determine and set the minimum security permissions your ClickOnce application needs, and to debug your application with exactly those permissions.
With technology now going both global and mobile, it's more important than ever to have tools that will "think" outside the box of a standard desktop monitor. If your mobile application will be used by people speaking more than one language, or from more than one culture, you'll need to build it with localization in mind. Globalization features in Visual Studio 2005 add support for input, display, and output of a defined set of language scripts that relate to specific geographic areas. And now that people use all kinds of mobile devices today to access the Internet, it may be important for your Web site to offer each visitor an optimal experience no matter what screen size, bandwidth, or browser they are using.
Visual Studio 2005 includes full support for developing mobile device applications using C/C++. By using Visual Studio 2005, device developers automatically have access to the wide variety of productivity features like Intellisense, integrated testing, access to the rich set of Team System features, and much more. The Visual Studio 2005 managed User Interface (UI) device designer can be described as "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG). It offers developers a customized design environment for any of the available Windows Mobile device display sizes and orientations, and displays the application exactly as it will appear on the device. And with new ASP.NET controls, you'll have access to a number of new controls for creating fully-featured, interactive Web pages that are viewable on a number of mobile devices.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition provides a full-featured development environment for Web developers who are building business applications. It offers the simplicity of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition, but with additional features and functionality for more advanced users, including the productivity enhancements that are part of Microsoft Visual Basic 2005.