by DeLorme
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America's Leading Mapping Software Great for before-you-go trip planning AND large-screen GPS navigation with an Earthmate receiver.Much More Powerful than Online MappingInnovative GPS features: 2-D and 3-D NavMode voice commands spokendirections automatic back-on-track re-routing with offroute distancesettings high contrast mobile map colors and much more. All inaddition to the new E-Z Nav Search feature.New E-Z Nav WizardTry out the new E-Z Nav wizard for on-the-go routing. Just search on anycategory (see below) choose your destination (retailer hospital gasstation friend s address etc) and start real-time navigation withyour GPS receiver. Great for daily and overall trip planning too.The GPS LeaderInnovative GPS features: 2-D and 3-D NavMode voice commands spokendirections automatic back-on-track re-routing with offroute distancesettings high contrast mobile map colors and much more. All inaddition to the new E-Z Nav Search feature.Up-to-Date Maps & Travel InformationComprehensive street and POI updates for the U.S and Canada now withMexico highways. Over 180000 new or updated roads for 2011. Powerfultravel planning tools MapShare and many data types.Download Aerial ImageryDownload $40 of aerial imagery FREE using included DeLorme Data Dollarsand the software s NetLink tab. Imagery can be used with all of theStreet Atlas USA routing GPS and draw tools.Features: All the features and capabilities found in standard edition. Put your contact manager listings on the map. Import and edit an unlimited number. Display their map locations for strategic planningrouting more. Print large-format wall maps. Link photos documents and URLs to the maps. Get 150 million U.S. and Canadian residential and business phone listings FREE newly updated. Import up to 1000 at a time. Query by Yellow Page headings and create your own databases. Right-click on a street and get all its phone listings. Delete