by Vivendi Universal
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Inspired by the film, the video game tells the story of Conrad, a young boy who has been tricked by his neighbor, Mr. Quinn, into opening the cats big red box of Seussian magic and allowing it to escape into the real world. The cat must help Conrad and his sister, Sally, return the Seussian magic to the box and retrieve all three pieces of the "Crab Lock" in order to lock the box for good. Players will also get the unique chance to explore a world beyond the film, as they navigate through rooms of the house that are not seen in the movie.
- Original Dr. Seuss enemies created specifically for the game
- Interact with classic Seuss characters from the film such as the rambunctious Thing 1 and Thing 2 and the pessimistic Fish
- A great introduction to action adventure games for kids 6-12 in a non-violent setting
- Layered gameplay that is easy for kids to pick up and play and complex combinations of simple moves that entertain and challenge seasoned gamers
- Use the cats umbrella to float across chasms, shield from attacks, and capture enemies and goo-booms; target them anywhere in 3D to hit other enemies, open doors, or break through walls
- The central house hub lets players choose the level they tackle first, allowing different outcomes and which level opens next
It's Fun to Have Fun But You Have to Know How...Product InformationOn a windy wet day Conrad and Sally are stuck in their house unable to gooutside and play. Their mom is at work and their babysitter has fallen asleep.Then out of nowhere appears The Cat in the Hat with his huge red crate filledwith Seussian magic. While The Cat is welcomed by the children the fishis not happy. Unfortunately the fish is proved right. Mr. Quinn the nastynext-door neighbor arrives and tricks Conrad into opening the lock on the redcrate. Chaos ensues as the Seussian magic escapes transforming the house into awonderland where wacky creatures run wild and everyday objects come to life. Witha glint in his eye and an evil plan in mind Mr. Quinn steals the lock for thecrate and vanishes into one of the crazy new worlds.Now The Cat must tidy up the mess and stop Mr. Quinn all before Mom comes home.It's a dirty job but this Cat's gotta do it! Go beyond the zany fun ofthe movie with an unbelievable adventure starring you as The Cat in the Hat. TheCat's crate has been opened and Seussian magic has turned the house inside out.Bring all the wacky fun home from the movie as you race to restore order to thehouse before Mom comes home!Fun Activities IncludeThe FishConrad and Sally's Fish doesn't like The Cat. However he knows that TheCat is the only one who has a chance of tidying up the house and stopping r.Quinn before Mom gets home. So reluctantly the Fish has decided to helpalthough it doesn't mean that he'll be nice to The Cat.Conrad and SallyUnder orders from the Fish Conrad and Sally make sure that The Cat does thingsin the proper order by preventing him from venturing further into the houseuntil he has finished cleaning up the first few worlds. As more worlds aretidied up Conrad and Sally will let The Cat explore more of the house.Thing 1 and Thing 2This mischievous pair of rascals have also escaped from The Cat's magical cra