by Topics Entertainment
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Over 8000000 sold! Used by Fortune 500 companies and top government agencies for training Learn2 Training for Microsoft Excel will walk you through the process of learning the world's most popular spreadsheet program for the PC. Learn2 Training for Microsoft Excel is the easiest and fastest way to learn more about the most popular spreadsheet program for the PC. Enjoy self-paced lessons that teach you how to use Microsoft Excel more effectively than you ever have before whether you're a beginner or advanced user.System Requirements:Windows 95 or newer 32 MB RAM or greater CD drive 4x or greater Processor speed of 200 MHz or greater 16-bit sound card 16-bit video card SVGA color monitor or greaterFormat: WIN 9598MENT2000XPVISTA Genre: EDUCATION UPC: 781735807835 Manufacturer No: 80783