by Microsoft Software
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Visual C# .NET 2003 is a modern, innovative programming language and tool for building .NET-connected software for Microsoft Windows, the Web, and a wide range of devices. With familiar C++-like syntax, a flexible integrated development environment (IDE), and the capability to build solutions across a variety of platforms and devices, Visual C# .NET 2003 significantly eases the development of .NET-connected software.
Visual C# .NET provides users with a superior developer environment, bringing together the development community and valuable online resources. The Start Page offers developers a one-click portal to updates, preferences, information on recently used projects, and the MSDN Online community. Improved IntelliSense, the Toolbox, and the Task List provide significant productivity enhancements, while AutoHide windows and multiple-monitor support help programmers maximize screen real estate and customize their development environment.
With Visual C# .NET 2003, developers can take advantage of Microsoft .NET and incorporate next-generation technology for resource management, unified types, and remoting. With Microsoft .NET, developers gain superior memory management technology for seamless garbage collection and reduced program complexity. Developers can use the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Type System to leverage code written in any of more than 20 languages that support .NET, while making efficient remote procedure calls.
Visual C# .NET Standard 2003 unleashes the full power of Visual C# .NET, the tool for application development in the new .NET format!