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24 Reference Titles
Matthew Henry's Commentary
Strong's Exaustive Concordance
Holman Bible Dictionary
Parson's interactive Bible Atlas
6 Bible Translations
New Living Translation
King James version
New King James Version
International Standard Version NT
American Standard Version (1901)
New Revised Standard Version with Apochrypha
Complete Bible Study Software
For casual readers or serious students, QuickVerse� 7 Essentials has everything you need for captivating Bible study. Open any number of Bibles and reference books at the same time; everything is cross-referenced! Compare passages from different translations and more; even view multiple full-color pictures, illustrations, and maps together with the corresponding scriptures.
Create your own custom Bible reading schedule and track your progress and rail. Study the entire Bible systematically.
Achieve new insight into every passage with handy QuickLink cross-referencing among multiple Bibles and texts. Look up favorite verses in seconds, even if you only remember a few key words. Enrich your own writing projects�from sermons and lesson plans to personal journals�by easily cutting and pasting text from QuickVerse into your word processor documents. Exploring the Word has never been more satisfying!
* Copy passages to a clipboard or its own document�then cut, paste, or print multiple passages.
* View multiple reference bibles, detailed maps, illustrations, and full-color pictures side by side.
* Customize Bible studies by selecting a default translation�then start reading!
* Instantly find definition for any word without opening a dictionary with QuickDefine
* Use StudyViews to open related titles at once for a broad-based perspective on every verse.
* See the words of Christ printed in red, or choose any other color for easy reading.