by Graffiti Entertainment, LLC
Release Date: July 29, 2011
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While kids are playing on this fun filled journey they learn essential Kindergarten skills like early reading, simple arithmetic, ordering and sequencing, problem solving, measurement, critical thinking, memory, directional words, time concepts, seasons, months and social skills. In Count and Clean Up kids learn simple math by helping Reader Rabbit clean up the lake in an arcade style game. Kids pick the right combination of numbers to help Babs the Beaver cross the stream in Add It Up. Children help Pierre organize his pantry by sorting items according to size, length, height, quantity and volume. Papa Bear needs help searching for his alarm clock by listening to directional clues. Additional activities teach the skills needed to be successful in Kindergarten. Personalized creations can be printed in several activities and parents can review and print progress reports. 6 epic scenarios! Research over 50 inventions from 5 different technology areas! Reader Rabbit Kindergarten on the DS is played exclusively with the stylus and touchscreen. There is no need to use the buttons. This makes for a very intuitive control scheme for the game all the more important for young gamers who have little to no experience with the typical gaming controller. These controls allow the player to directly interact with the game. Navigation is simplified as players simply tap where they want to go next and mini-games are simplified as players simply tap the correct object on-screen and occasionally use the stylus to drag that object to the correct spot, for example, the pattern recognition game. These simplistic and intuitive controls were designed with the young audience in mind and are a major highlight and feature for the game, and unique to the DS version of the game. Also, the dual screens of the DS allow the map to be displayed at all times on the top screen providing for even more simplified navigation.