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For sale official Windows 7 System Recovery Discs
If you're like most PC users, you probably got Windows 7 with a new PC or laptop. And if you're like 99% of the population, you get your new machines from one of the major manufacturers. Dell, Acer, Asus, Sony, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, who all have one thing in common: they don't give you a real Windows 7 installation disc with your purchase. Instead, they bundle what they call a "recovery disc" (that's if you're lucky - otherwise you'll have a recovery partition instead).
This disk is the only way of recovering a broken installation. Windows 7 System Recovery Disk has a complete "recovery center" that provides you with the option of recovering your system via automated recovery (searches for problems and attempts to fix them automatically), rolling-back to a system restore point, recovering a full PC backup, or accessing a command-line recovery console for advanced recovery purposes. However, it cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows 7.
Don't wait until your PC crashes to get a copy! Get your recovery disc today, so that when the time comes, you'll be ready!
What it does: The Windows 7 Recovery Disc can be used to access a system recovery menu, giving you options of using System Restore, Complete PC Backup, automated system repair, and a command-line prompt for manual advanced recovery.
What it doesn't do: You cannot use the Windows 7 Recovery Disc to re-install Windows - it only fixes (not replaces!) Windows.
Why you need it: If you bought your PC from a major retailer, you didn't get this CD with your hefty purchase.
Any questions? Feel free to ask.