by Infiniteskills
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Duration : 10 Hours
Number of Lessons: 103
AutoCAD is an industry standard design and documentation software program that is easy to learn, but complex to master. In this video training CD, expert author Brian Benton guides you through the fundamentals of AutoCAD 2011 and teaches you everything you need to know to be on your way to becoming an fully functioning AutoCAD user. Starting with the basics what AutoCAD can do, Brian quickly brings you up to speed on the interface, and then dives right into applying the basics, and ends each important chapter with a project that reviews everything you have learned in each section. Using this hands on approach allows you to more quickly absorb and apply the material being communicated, increasing your retention and understanding of AutoCAD 2011. By the completion of this 10 hour tutorial, you will be familiar and comfortable with AutoCAD, and capable of drawing, decorating and annotating an AutoCAD project. Also included are work files to allow you to work along side the author, and further understand what he is showing you, step by step.