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In this fourth release from the Clifford series, children go back to Birdwell Island to help out Clifford and friends. This time a storm breaks the island's radio tower, putting a stop to the island's music. To bring back favorite songs and instruments, kids play music games. They do lots of sound sequencing (a little too much for our testers), collect objects to reconstruct instruments, and play a seashell sound concentration game. There's lots of experimentation with the ten main keyboard notes, which our testers enjoyed. The scavenger hunt theme is fun, but a little confusing. Kids don't always know what or why they are playing. Instruction was a little overdone (and not always interruptible), and some of the screens were missing an easy exit icon. All things considered, this game is not as strong as the others in the series, but a pleasant musical experience nonetheless. Parents appreciated the musical focus and testers wanted to play to the end. In this early version, our testers couldn't find one of the items-- a wooden plank-- and were unable to complete the game.
Age Range: Copyright © 2001 Children's Software Revue
Use Your Thinking Skills to Bring Music Back toBirdwell Island!Product InformationBring music to Birdwell Island after a storm breaks the radio tower.Join Clifford and his friends as you make instruments learn new songs helpsort shells dance with the dogs and more. During your adventurespractice memory logic and early math skills through engaging activities andthinking challenges and thinking challenges. After you put together all of the instruments create your own music withClifford's big band!Skills Learned Memory Listening Following Directions Problems Solving Logic & Reasoning Creativity Pattern Recognition Matching Sounds Counting Addition Subtraction RhythmProduct HighlightsCounting Addition & SubtractionClifford needs your help to find his way out of the caves. Listen to the numberof animal sounds in each cave to choose the right path.Matching SoundsEmily Elizabeth loves collecting shells on the beach. Sort them by matchingshells that make the same sound.Listening & MemoryThe birds will teach you the dolphins' favorite song. Play the song backcorrectly to watch the dolphins flip!CreativityOnce you make an instrument use it to create your own music in any style youchoose - Rock Caribbean Country Jazz or Salsa.Following DirectionsA storm has blown over the radio tower and Clifford Cleo and T-Bone need yourhelp to bring music back to Birdwell Island!Problem SolvingExplore Birdwell Island for fun objects that can be used to make instruments.After you put together five instruments create music with Clifford's band.Rhythm & CreativityPractice rhythm with Cleo and T-bone at the bakery. Get ready for a deliciousreward when you are finished.Logic & ReasoningSamuel and Charley miss the music on their radio. Play the right song for themthen take a ride on their boat to explore the other side of Birdwell Island.Pattern RecognitionClifford Cleo and T-Bone want to learn how to danc