by ArcMedia
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Easy Drums is an interactive guide that will show you everything you need to get started playing the drums. Learn how to select the right drum set,as well as basic techniques like how to hold the sticks and how to playdifferent beats and rolls. The lessons are specially designed withbeginners in mind. Print out music to practice, learn about drum history andfamous drummers, and watch video instruction by an expert. Interestingtrivia and a fun drum-related quiz rounds out this package.
Step-by-stepvideo lessons and a guide to reading music!Product InformationHave you always wished you could play the drums but didn'tknow where to start? Well here's your answer. This interactiveguide will show you everything you need to get started from selectingthe right drum set to playing beats and rolls that will impress your friends. The lessons are specially designed with beginners in mind and there areplenty of tunes to try on your own! Easy Drum covers all the basic a beginner needs to know. Product FeaturesChoose from basic or advanced lessonsVideo instruction by an expertMusic to print and practiceGuide to reading musicLearn about drum history and famous drummers Windows Requirements Windows 98 NT Me 2000 XP Vista 486 processor or faster 32 MB RAM (48 MB recommended) 640x480 monitor 16-bit color Windows-compatible sound card & speakers 2X CD-ROM drive (4X recommended)Macintosh Requirements Mac OS 7.5–9.2 OS X Classic mode 32 MB RAM (48 MB recommended) 640x480 monitor thousands of colors 2X CD-ROM drive (4X recommended)