by Infiniteskills
Buy new: $149.95
(Visit the Best Sellers in Training & Tutorials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Number of Videos: 215 Lessons - 20 Hours Duration
Ships on: DVD-ROM
User Level: Beginner - Advanced
Works On: Windows 7,Vista,XP- Mac OS X
In this AutoCAD 2011 bundle, you get 2 great titles, our popular Beginners AutoCAD 2011 and the incredible AutoCAD Advanced Techniques title, both by expert Brian Benton.
Learn AutoCAD 2011 from the ground up with this fantastic video based training tutorial from Brian Benton. This bundle contains two individual titles, AutoCAD 2011 Fundamentals, and Advanced AutoCAD Techniques. In the Fundamentals course, you will learn the basics of using AutoCAD 2011, covering basic operations such as drawing, editing, using layers, and other built-in tools. With the AutoCAD Advanced Techniques course, you continue with advanced topics such as that annotation and reference tools, groups, set sheets, and much much more!
By the time you have completed this AutoCAD 2011 Beginners to Advanced training course, you will be completely familiar, and proficient with using AutoCAD 2011 for all your drafting needs! Extensive workfiles are included to allow you to work alongside the author