by Crack Exam Preparation Software
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Over the past 6 years, we have helped students achieve and fulfill their dream score on the Perceptual Ability Test (PAT), Math, Reading and Science portions of the Dental Admission Test. DAT scores are becoming more and more competitive each year with this upcoming year at an all-time high. Some dental schools are filtering out candidates based solely on their DAT score: don't let that be you.
Our Crack the DAT Ace Bundle Package will enable you to conduct the PAT, Math, Reading and Science sections under actual testing conditions. Crack the DAT has the same look and feel of the actual exam and mimics the testing interface that you will see at your local testing center, yielding substantial results.
Our Ace Bundle Package equips you with 10 Full Length Math Exams (400 questions) now with 10 Hours of VIDEO explanations, 10 Full Length Perceptual Ability Tests (900 PAT questions coupled with 2D & 3D user-interactive explanations), and 15 Reading Comprehension Passages (250 questions with detail explanations). Not to mention, we are throwing in Crack the Science into your package for FREE which gives you 5 Full Length Natural Science Tests to tackle (500 questions).
The software never expires. And you can always update your software for free as we routinely release new versions. You can even take tests as many times as you wish! Find out why many of our clients have maximized their score on their exam by successfully integrating our exclusive service into their DAT preparation regimen. Start using Crack the DAT today and give yourself the edge you deserve.
Crack the DAT is delivered electronically and compatible with both PC and MAC computers. Please note that NO books or CD are sent. You will receive the software within 24 hours. No shipping costs & you can start your preparation right away. You will also be given a permanent account on our website which will give you the luxury to download the software and new versions at anytime.