by DietPower, Inc.
1 used & new from $39.99
(Visit the Best Sellers in Cooking & Health list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Of all the weight loss programs on the market today, only DietPower guarantees reaching your goal weight on your target date. Our award-winning diet software makes any diet more powerful by helping you control what all diet plans have in common: calories. Our software also balances your intake of 33 vitamins and minerals by recommending foods you like. This extraordinary degree of personalization is one reason weight watchers rate our calorie counter and diet program the world's best.
Besides counting calories, our diet software shows nutrition facts for 21,000 foods, plans menus, tracks calories burned in exercise, charts body measurements, "doctors" recipes for healthy weight loss, delivers personalized nutrition news and features, lets you meet weight watchers online, and more...
"A godsend."
-- Fitness
"Turns your PC into a nutrition counselor."
-- Wall Street Journal
"I've lost 65 pounds with DietPower. Now I recommend it to my patients."
-- Paul Huser, M.D.
"The only diet software proven effective in weight loss."
-- Runner's World
"Diet Power is the best way to lose weight I've ever seen."
-- Consumer Electronics