by Epson
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The Epson StoryTeller Photo Book Creator makes it easy and fun to create your own customized photo book. This kit includes easy-to-use software, a pre-bound, hard-back book with glossy cover, and glossy photo pages so you have everything you need to create your own photo book at home.
What's in the Box
Epson hardcover photo book, book cover, software CD, and 20 photo pages
Now make your own hard-bound photo book with the StoryTeller Photo Book Creator kit. It comes with software that offers six book styles, each with 10 page layouts. Plus, there are 18 cover selections. Print your layouts (pages and cover) on the included glossy paper with your inkjet printer and wrap your cover around the included hard-bound book. Your printer must be capable of accepting layout margins and the long paper used to wrap the book. Epson Includes: Windows Only Software: Epson StoryTeller Publisher Photo Paper: 12 pages (two for practice, 10 for final printing)of glossy photo paper, plus two additional sheets to print practice layouts Pre-bound Book: pre-bound, hard-back book with custom-fit transparent sleeve to protect the finished book Glossy Book Cover: two sheets (one for practice, one for final printing), 8.5 x 28.73 , glossy photo paper