by Infiniteskills
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Duration: 12.25 Hours
Num of Lessons: 250
Complete with Working Files
This audio and video based training bundle combines our Beginner to Intermediate Final Cut Pro Training Course with our Advanced Final Cut Pro Training Course. In both of these tutorials, expert trainer Andy Anderson uses his extensive practical knowledge, combined with his years of teaching experience to bring you up to speed with the basics of this powerful editing software, and then beyond with advanced workflow and techniques. The beginners course starts at the very basics of using FCP, from organizing your projects to importing media, performing edits and using transitions. In the advanced course, Andy increases your understanding and application of the tools and techniques, while expanding your ability to apply them in creative ways to your own projects. Andy's training methods of using humour and real-life examples to get the point across is particularly effective in helping you absorb the material in this computer software training. On completion of the basics and advanced courses, you will be fully versed in the tools and techniques of media editing with Final Cut Pro. Extensive workfiles are included to allow you to work side-by-side with the author and further increase your understanding of the topics being taught