by Encore/Broderbund
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Help your high school student ensure a bright future with the academic advantages provided by Middle School and High School Advantage 2010. This interactive learning experience is targeted toward the unique challenges of Middle School and High School, offering lessons that reinforce classroom learning and exciting challenges that help make studying fun. Whether they're looking to improve their grades, prepare for college or augment a school curriculum with additional practice, students can explore at their own pace and gain the motivation they need to reach their full academic potential.
Middle School and High School Advantage combines interactive learning, standards-driven lessons, study aids, reference tools and brain-building games to provide a complete resource center geared toward helping students bolster their academic confidence. A series of engaging lessons take students on a tour through mathematical concepts and theories, multiple scientific fields of study, United States history and government, writing and presenting, and basic foreign language conversational skills. Fun games reinforce the lessons, and Apple� iPod� study materials let students take their learning on the go for easy integration into a busy high-school lifestyle.