by Vivendi Universal
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Turn Studying into a Game!Product InformationHow do you get your child to study for math tests? Make it into a game! With JumpStart Study Helpers your child simply enters his weekly math problemsinto the computer and starts playing. With arcade-style activitiesplaying the games means your child is practicing the problems and improving histest scores!Skills Learned Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Decimals PercentagesActivities Include6 LevelsGames automatically adjust to your child's growing abilities.Recycle ProblemsIncorrect math equations are recycled in the games for more practice.Over 800 Math ProblemsFor additional practice pre-programmed problems are included.Easy inputAllows you child to enter problems for individual learning!Product Features Easy input allows your child to enter math problems for individual learning Five grades of content from 1st - 5th Grade 6 levels automatically adjust to your child’s growing abilities Incorrect math equations are recycled in the games for more practice Over 800 pre-programmed math problems included for additional practice Bilingual instructions in English and SpanishWindows System Requirements Windows 2000 XP Vista Windows 7 (32-bit) 266 MHz or faster processor 64 MB of RAM (128 MB for Vista or XP) 100 MB free hard disk space 640x480 monitor 16-bit color Windows-compatible sound card & speakers 12X CD-ROM drive