by Electronic Arts
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Stranded in orbit around an unchartered planet, the crew of the LMS Explorer must establish a base camp beneath the planet's surface. Take command of the entire Rock Raiders team and all their sci-fi vehicles so you can collect enough energy crystals to power the ship's engines back home. But beware--danger lurks deep within the dark tunnels of the planet's mysterious underground world. Avoiding lava flows and rock fall are the least of your worries as you mine for precious energy crystals that the treacherous Rock Monsters jealously guard. Designed for kids ages 8 and older, this exciting adventure title challenges players to lead the Rock Raiders in completing their thrilling outer space mission.
Go deep within the dark tunnels of this mysterious underground world. Avoiding lava flows and rock falls will be the least of your worries as you mine for precious energy crystals that Rock Monsters jealously guard.