by McAfee
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Enjoy the benefits of connecting, surfing, and shopping online, while putting the worry of security risks out of your mind. McAfee lives and breathes digital security, relentlessly working to stay several steps ahead of the bad guys. Every second of every day, they focus on one thing: keeping your digital life safe, so that you can surf, shop, and socialize online with confidence.
Fast startup and scan times-Performance to help you enjoy your digital life to the limit-surfing, shopping, and socializing with minimal interruptions Digital data shredder-Permanently destroy sensitive files to be sure they cannot be retrieved by other users when you donate, recycle, or lendyour PC PC tune-up-Unused applications, cached browser files, and other junk slow down your PC. McAfee QuickClean software removes the clutter so your computer can keep up with your digital life Exclusive anti-bot protection-McAfee now blocks stealthy botnet software by denying its attempts to connect your PC to web addressesthat belong to crooks. This extra defense helps prevent your computer from sending out your personal information to Internet crime networks USB and removable drive scan-Portable storage devices can be infected in their travels, spreading malicious code from system to system.McAfee can scan and block this portable payload of viruses, Trojans, and worms before they can work their way into your PC and your network Pre-install scan-Many people get McAfee protection because they are already infected. To help you salvage your system, McAfee works toremove infections as software installs System Requirements - Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or higher (32-bit) Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 or higher (32- and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 7, including SP1 (32- and 64-bit) 512 MB RAM for XP 1 GB RAM for Vista and Windows 7 500 MB free drive space 1 GHz processor Internet connection