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First steps toward a lifetime of learning!Product InformationHelp young children develop healthy habits during their first experiences withthe computer.Reader Rabbit Toddler is an engaging and developmentally appropriate computerprogram for those eager young children.Toddlers explore nine activities that help them build their confidence as theyplay with numbers letters shapes and sounds. They also imitate Reader Rabbitas he sings and acts out classic songs and nursery rhymes.Product FeaturesAlphabet ExpressYoungsters match letters of the alphabet. When a match is made the door on aboxcar unlocks and reveals an object that begins with that letter. Mat nameseach object as it appears helping toddlers build their vocabulary. Matchingletters increases familiarity with the alphabet and helps toddlers begin toassociate letters with words.Baby Basket BingoHelp baby animals find their parents. Each baby sounds like its parent andchildren need to listen carefully to hear which baby is hiding in the basket.Matching sounds build auditory memory and listening skills.Bubble CastleThe Bubble Dragon has surrounded the Bubble Castle with bubbles and the animalsneed help to get inside. The animals are caught in the bubbles andtoddlers pop the bubbles improves all the animals are freed they count to five.Chasing the bubbles improves mouse control and encourages children to predict abubble's path.Follow-Me TheaterStep right up to the Follow-Me Theater! Reader Rabbit acts out finger plays toclassic nursery rhymes and songs and toddlers are encouraged to follow along.Repetitive language in nursery rhymes and songs lets children practice theirlanguage skills. By imitating the finger plays toddlers develop large and smallmuscle skills.Musical MeadowWhen youngsters visit the Musical Meadow they don't pick the flowers or feedthe birds they play them. Each group of flowers or birds represents a differentinstrument and toddlers can conduc