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Our new ACT 2010 Fundamentals Training CD will provide you with plenty of short cuts and advice on best practice.
Our ACT! training CD contains 1.5 hours of video tutorials developed for ACT! users and presented by top ACT! by Sage trainer, Elene Marsden.
This training CD is perfect for busy people who cant find time for classroom training. We show you how to master the fundamentals of ACT! at your own pace wherever and whenever needed.
The Trainer
Elene Marsden is an ACT! Business Partner with over 20 years experience in training. She has enabled many individuals and companies get more from ACT! With her experience, she knows what works and the pitfalls to avoid.
Over 25 essential training topics include:
Create a database, The contact window, My Record, Add contacts, Duplicate contacts, Relationships, Delete contacts, List view, Notes, Histories, Activities, Clearing activities, The mini calendar, Outlook calendars, iCalendar, Task list, Documents, Web info tab, Send letters, Send emails, Reports, Companies, Opportunities, Dashboards, Database rules, 2 bonus tracks
Customer Reviews
"The CD is a terrific tool. You will save yourself an enormous amount of time and it is so much better to get it right from the beginning." John Passmore Utilities Warehouse
"I would recommend this product for any users of ACT." Julie Mark Lane
"It is a very good product. I am used to using ACT and I found things even I did not know. It is absolutely fantastic - a smashing product!" Colin Stewart Envisage.
I am very happy with the CD. What is helpful is that you can actually stop it and "re-wind" to review and refresh your learning. Bob McKibbin -Management Consultancy
"I would highly recommend this CD for busy people. An excellent training tool." Richard Kerrison Norfolk Business Club