by Summitsoft Corporation
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Don't waste time and money on PR agencies and online press services. Quickly write news stories about yourself or your business and send them to get published in online and print publications. 15,000 Media Contacts includes everything you need to write great PR, create a targeted list of editors interested in your story, and send directly to these media contacts with a push of a button. Free unlimited electronic distribution! Includes over 15,000 uptodate media contacts from USA & Canada. Everything from email, mailing address and phone numbers: to get you in touch with publishers, editors, copy writers, staff writers, correspondents, feature writers, reporters, station managers, onair hosts, personalities, and more. Get your news to the blogs: Not only does 15,000 Media Contacts come packed with the top television, radio and print contacts; it's also filled with the Internet's most popular blogs and online news source. Target your releases by: Geography: local, regional & national. Industry: get to the people who know your business. Media Type: Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, Blogs, Newsgroups & more. 100+ prewritten press templates: including quotes and company summary examples. Send electronically: use the included software to schedule sending your news. Post your release online for free: post your news to online press distribution websites, Google News, Yahoo News & more! Follow up by mail: create address labels and send an impactful mailing.