by Microsoft Software
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Publisher 2003 with Digital Imaging is the business publishing and marketing materials program with easy-to-use image editing tools. Perfect your images before adding them to your publications. Includes Publisher 2003 and Digital Image Pro version 9.
- Create impressive marketing materials: use Publisher 2003 to create impressive marketing materials for print, Web, and e-mail using a comprehensive collection of customizable templates and wizards.
- New photo-editing tools: use Digital Image Pro to remove red-eye, adjust lighting, airbrush imperfections, remove unwanted objects, merge multiple images, crop, and more.
- New advanced selection tools: new advanced selection tools in Digital Image Pro give you more control when editing images by helping you fix problems that exist in only part of a picture.
- New touch-up tools in Digital Image Pro: fine-tune your photos with touch-up tools including Gaussian blur, unsharp mask, blending brush, smart erase, and rule of thirds.
- Build a publication from a database: use catalog merge to help create a new publication with multiple records per page, including catalogs, datasheets, directories, and more.
Microsoft Publisher 2003 with Digital Imaging is the better way to create essential marketing materials that impress and inform. It features the tools and applications you need for professional-quality publishing of communications materials in-house. Increased control over material with improved Layout Guides, Baseline Alignment and other layout tools Format paragraphs consistently with Word 2003 Download all-new templates from the Microsoft Website for cutting-edge designs