by Native Instruments
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TRAKTOR SCRATCH closes the gap between digital and analog DJing. The control signal is formatted onto special CDs and vinyl, and has an unmatched response - it feels like the digital file is cut into the wax. Pressed onto 120g vinyl, each disc contains one side with 17 minutes of control code, plus a 12 minute long flip side with deeper cut grooves for turntablists and scratch DJs. A special 'scroll track' allows you to select your next tune using only the turntable- with no need to touch your computer.With the the record flip feature, TRAKTOR SCRATCH instantly detects that you have flipped your control vinyl to its other side and will automatically load the next track in the playlist.Mastered and cut at Berlins renowned studio Dubplates and Mastering, the grooves have exceptional depth for gripping the stylus.ULTRA PRECISIONA 2 kHz carrier frequency offers twice as much tracking information as all competing digital DJ systems with vinyl control. Very slow speeds can be tracked with unmatched smoothness, whilst decoding is much more reliable due to the greater signal headroom available.