by OfficeWork Software
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OrgChart is the best way to create organization charts and organize your employees for maximum effectiveness. OrgChart automates your charting with full-featured database capabilities and professional high-quality graphics in one easy-to-use solution. With OrgChart Professional you can chart up to 100 people. It¿s ideal for managing organizational change with scenario planning and analytic reports. ¿ AutoSize: Boxes are now automatically sized so that the entire chart is uniform. Manual adjustment is by choice now. ¿ Flexible Format: Box formats now allow photos on left or right for more compact and efficient arrangement. ¿ Extended Arrangements: New `Hide¿ box option allows almost an infinite number of formatting options. ¿ Quick Data View: Enables you to see all data in any box. ¿ Auto Update: New command line parameters allow you to schedule OrgChart to run and update PowerPoint, Database, or Flash outputs without user intervention. ¿ Enumeration Fields: Allow you to create your own drop-down lists for fields with common values, such as employee status, skills, or on/off-boarding. ¿ Optimization of chart algorithms enables much faster drawing and processing of larger charts. ¿ Web Search: Flash publishing now includes a search function so you can create an OrgChart website and easily find anyone you¿re looking for. ¿ Distributed Chart Architecture: Allows you to break larger charts into smaller ones, or combine any number of charts into a master chart. ¿ Data Import of System Fields: Gives you even more control of chart appearance and structure when importing from Excel or any database. ¿ MS-Project Import: Enables you to create work breakdown structure reports from any project file.