by Nuance Communications, Inc.
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Now you can stop filling out forms by hand and rekeying form data! OmniForm Filler 5.0 is the easiest way to complete forms and handle form data. This robust software fills out forms automatically using previously entered data. Digital signatures are supported for legally binding documents. Attachments, such as photos, scanned documents, or computer files, can be added easily. Calculations, spell checking, and field validations are handled automatically. You can even copy a previously filled form as a basis for your new form, streamlining the process even further.
OmniForm Filler 5.0 creates databases automatically for each form, making data management and analysis easier than ever before. This program also makes it possible to import data from or export data to ODBC-compliant databases, such as Access, Oracle, and dBase. The payoff? You cut your form-filling time by up to 60 percent, while still producing meticulous documents and retaining detailed data.