by Nuance Communications, Inc.
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OmniForm 5.0 allows you to quickly turn paper forms into digital forms, or create new digital forms from scratch. OmniForm 5.0 comes with a complete set of predesigned templates to facilitate the creation of new forms. Forms can be printed and distributed, or sent via e-mail so recipients can fill them out electronically on their computers.
OmniForm 5.0 also comes with a single license for OmniForm Filler/Data Manager to expedite the filling out of digital forms, a real timesaver for individuals who complete forms on a regular basis. The Filler/Data Manager software maintains a database of information about the user and automatically fills in information that has been provided on previous forms. OmniForm 5.0 is ideal for individuals who need to create forms, or who receive and fill out a large number of forms.
Nuance Communications, Inc. OmniForm v.5.0 3509A-G00-5.0 Database Management