by ASK Video
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Over 7 hours of instruction on Propellerhead's Reason 5 by Morgan Pottruff, aka Morg (author of the Live and Melodyne Tutorial DVDs). Reason 5 adds great new features to an already feature-packed program. Morg will take you through all of these new gems, including an in-depth look at KONG, Reason 5's new drum designer. Whether you're a seasoned Reason user, or just picked up the program last week, you'll find all the info you need to take your knowledge to the next level. This DVD is packed with detail not seen before. If you want to get your head around Reason quickly then you'll want to watch this DVD! Morg shows you Reason in some incredible ways through the extra 'Tips and Tricks' sections that really show off the power under the hood. If you own any version of Reason, especially version 5, then you need to own this DVD! 65 videos and over 7 hours of instruction on Reason by Morgan Pottruff..