by Viva Media
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RedShift 3 is the world-renowned, desktop planetarium for both casual stargazers and professionals alike.
- Contains details of more than 1,000,000 heavenly objects
- More than 700 color photographs
- 1 million stars including the Hipparcos and Tycho star catalogs
- 60 introductory astronomy tours and over 30 minutes of breathtaking movie-quality animations
- Choose your viewpoint from different planets, moons, comets, and asteroids, so that you can see clearly without the constraints of the Earth's atmosphere
- 2D and 3D animations demonstrate astronomical phenomena such as galactic mergers, nova formations, gravitational lensing, etc.
- Intelligent search engine calculates the occurrence of interesting events for the day, week, month of year presenting suggestions of what to look for in the real sky
- Astronomical dictionary
- Astronomical record breakers of history
- Free upgrades! Visit our website at to get the latest information on comets, spacecrafts, stars, and deep sky objects.