by Global Software Publishing
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Pack your bags and grab that passport - you're in for the adventure of your life. Play exciting games as you visit different countries and learn about other cultures. Journey to famous cities and uncover the stories behind all the historic landmarks. Visit mountains, jungles and forests and track down the unusual plants and animals. You can even hop on a plane or take a boat across the ocean. In "Treasure Hunt" students will learn direction and mapping skills. In The Globetrotter Game there are 50 exotic destinations to discover and Take-Off tests children with 500 multiple-choice questions about continents, capitals and national flags. Explore the mysterious world of wildlife, discover the vast and rugged terrain of different regions of the globe and learn about the world of far-away cultures. 44 animated maps and over 600 pop-ups bring the world to your computer. Learning about geography and the world in which we live has never been so much fun!