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Platform: WINDOWS 2000/XP/VISTA Publisher: KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE Packaging: JEWEL CASE Rating: AGES: 6-8 The adventure starts in a creaky elevator hidden in the schoolhouse wall. Follow CJ the Frog and his sidekick Edison on a journey into their secret clubhouse. Use your math science grammar and other skills to solve the many challenges found in 22 interactive games.Kids Learn: WritingParts of SpeechComplex VowelsCarry Over AdditionBorrow" SubtractionSimple MultiplicationU.S. GeographyMusical ScalesSocial Science Endless Fun Creative games and challenging activities keep children involved for hours of learning fun. A learning adventure that teaches essential skillsSystem Requirements for Windows Windows Vista XP 2000Pentium II 266 MHz or faster processor64 MB RAM (128 MB for Vista or XP)10 MB free hard disk space640x480 resolution 16-bit color with 256 color capabilityWindows-compatible sound card & speakers12X CD-ROM drive