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Move to Your New PC in 3 Easy Steps. As a new PC or laptop owner, you now have a solution that makes moving everything from your old PC effortless. Just install PCmover on both your old and new PC or laptop. Then, with just a few simple clicks, your programs, files and settings will be transferred to the new PC. Now with PCmover's selectivity feature, you can choose which applications, folders and files to take with you when you migrate to your new PC.
1. Install | |
2. Connect | |
3. Transfer |
Use PCmover to migrate your entire PC
PCmover moves your PC's programs, files, and settings so you dont have to. Go through the simple wizard and everything will be transferred to your new PC. This includes, but is not limited to:
Transfer Your Favorite Programs & Games
With PCmover, all your programs and games move with you to your new PC.
Transfer Undo Feature
PCmover includes failsafe functionality in case you ever change your mind. Restore your new PC back to its original state at any time.
Move All Your User Profiles at the Same Time
PCmover is the only migration solution that can move all your user profiles safely in one easy step.
PCmover is also great for migrating data from a PC to a Mac that is running Windows! Many users now run Windows on their Mac computers using Parallels, Bootcamp, or VMware Fusion. PCmover is able to transfer all data from your old PC to your Windows platform on your Mac.
With PCMover you can finally enjoy upgrading to a new computer without the fear of losing important data. This powerful, intuitive migration tool is compatible with any version of Microsoft Windows. It can transfer all your existing applications, settings, data files, and even registry settings to another PC. And you don’t need to tell PCMover where to find anything; it already knows exactly how to complete the move swiftly and accurately. PCMover is also ideal for copying your current configurations to a new notebook or to another computer that you plan to use in addition to your PC. Your new computer will be ready to go; complete with your important files and applications form the old computer and all of the new computer’s pre-existing software.