by TeachUcomp, Inc.
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Training & Tutorials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Over 10 hours of full-motion, animated instruction with crystal-clear audio. 155 individual lessons in Adobe Photoshop. The best Photoshop tutorial available. Designed by software training professionals. Learn at your office or home - at your own pace. Includes all of the topics covered in our two-day classroom training. Deluxe Training includes the same two classroom manuals students receive (in PDF), along with practice exercises & keyboard shortcuts! Customize your training with the easy-to-use menu. Clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction. Watch the training sessions as many times as you want while you practice in Photoshop. No messy set-up, no internet connections needed. The best way to learn Photoshop on your own.