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Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2007 makes it easy for IT and business professionals to visualize, explore, and communicate complex information. This software transforms complicated text and tables that are hard to understand to Visio diagrams that communicate information at a glance. Instead of static pictures, you can create data-connected Visio diagrams that display data, are easy to refresh, and dramatically increase your productivity. Use the wide variety of available diagrams to understand, act on, and share information about organizational systems, resources, and processes throughout your enterprise. Put simply, Visio diagrams maximize the impact of important business information in ways words and numbers alone never could.
Using Office Visio 2007, create professional-looking diagrams that communicate a wealth of information you can share with a broad audience. View larger. |
Visio 2007 is available in two stand-alone editions: Office Visio Professional and Office Visio Standard. Visio Standard 2007 has the same basic functionality as Visio Professional 2007 and includes a subset of its features and templates. Visio Professional 2007 offers advanced functionality, such as data connectivity and visualization features, that Visio Standard 2007 does not.
Quickly Find and Use New Templates
Visio 2007 includes specific tools to support the diverse diagramming needs of IT and business professionals and lets you create a broader range of diagrams with new templates, such as the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) template and the Value Stream Mapping template. Use the predefined Microsoft SmartShapes symbols and powerful search capabilities to locate the right shape, whether it is saved on a computer or on the Web. You can also save time by quickly accessing templates you use often. In the new Getting Started window, find the template you need by browsing simplified template categories and using large template previews. Locate the templates you used recently by using the new Recent Templates view in the Getting Started window.
Use the wide range of diagram types in Office Visio 2007 to better understand complex processes, resources, and systems. View larger. |
If you're not sure how to best display your important data, Visio 2007 can help by making it easy to find new sample diagrams. Simply open the new Getting Started window and use the new Samples category. View sample diagrams that are integrated with data to get ideas for creating your own diagrams, to realize how data provides more context for many diagram types, and to determine which template you want to use.
Display Data Attractively in Diagrams
The Data Graphics feature lets you display data attractively in diagrams, and you can choose from a number of data formatting options. With a single click, display data fields as callouts next to a shape, position fields in boxes below a shape, and place fields of data directly on top or to the side of a shape. You also have the option of easily refreshing data in diagrams, thanks to the new Refresh Data feature. If data conflicts arise, easily resolve them by using the Refresh Conflicts task pane.
Using Office Visio Professional 2007, visually explore data by using diagrams to identify issues and exceptions. View larger. |
You don't have to be a professional graphic designer to build interesting diagrams--Visio 2007 gives you the tools to connect shapes without drawing connectors. The new AutoConnect functionality connects shapes, distributes them evenly, and aligns them for you--all with only one click. In fact, when you move the connected shapes, they stay connected and the connectors automatically reroute between the shapes.
Identify Trends and Issues
One of the benefits of creating diagrams is that you can more readily identify trends and issues and then act on them. First, you might choose to make your diagrams even smarter by linking them to data to provide a more complete picture of a process, project, or system. Then it's a snap to visually explore information to identify key trends, issues, and exceptions, and then act on them. Finally, you can analyze, drill down into, and create multiple views of business data to gain insight into it. Thanks to all these options, Visio Standard 2007 gives you the power to revolutionize the way you present information to colleagues and clients, which can positively affect productivity and your bottom line.
Office Visio 2007 makes it easy for IT and business professionals to visualize analyze and communicate complex information systems and processes. Using professional-looking Office Visio 2007 diagrams you can improve your understanding of systems and processes gain insight into complex information and use that knowledge to make better decisions for your business. Using Office Visio 2007 visually document design and fully understand the state of your business processes and systems with a wide range of diagrams business process flowcharts network diagrams workflow diagrams database models and software diagrams just to name a few. Make diagrams more useful by linking them with underlying data to provide a more complete picture. Office Visio Standard 2007 will make it easy for business professionals to visualize and communicate complex information processes and ideas with professional-looking diagrams. By using Office Visio 2007 people will be able to easily create diagrams to visualize complex information present them professionally and share them broadly for effective and efficient decision-making.GeneralCategory : Office applications Subcategory : Office applications - projects / process License Type : Complete package License Qty : 1 user License Pricing : Standard Distribution Media : CD-ROM Package Type : Retail Header / Localization : English Platform : WIN System Requirements / OS Required : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later UNSPSC CodeUNSPSC Code : 43233004 Product IDUPC: 882224157841Manufacturer Part: D86-02751