by DeLorme US Software
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As the innovation trendsetter in topographic mapping and GPS technologies, DeLorme Topo USA 7.0 continues to lead the way with advanced capabilities that provide a more meaningful outdoor experience.
The Most Complete Selection of Data and Imagery Options
In addition to the highly detailed Topo USA and DeLorme Street Network maps, you can access a wide variety of indispensable map, chart, and imagery choices from USGS, NOAA, and other sources.
New! Improve Your Geocaching
Topo USA 7.0 offers a range of features that make it the perfect mapping software for geocachers. Easily manage and update your geocache data files. Import .gpx and .loc files. Include descriptions and hints from .gpx files found on
Unrivaled GPS Capabilities
Topo USA 7.0 delivers high-end GPS data creation and exchange capabilities and lets you do more with data you collect in the field. A custom partner to the DeLorme Earthmate GPS PN-20.
New! Now Over Four Million Places of Interest from Trusted DeLorme Products
Now all your trip-planning information is at hand, from travel to a trailhead, to campgrounds, fishing spots, and provisioning on your way, including:
- From Street Atlas USA: attractions, lodgings, restaurants, stores, post offices, much more
- From the Atlas and Gazetteer series: boat ramps, campgrounds, fishing and hunting spots, unique natural features
Newly designed 3-D mapping engine produces life-like views of your favorite terrain. Soar above rivers and lakes, ascend mountains, and explore new places--all from your computer.
New! Geo-Tag Your Digital Photos
Preserve a record of exactly where you took your digital photos--all you need is a GPS track. Enlargeable thumbnails appear on your maps.
Data Included with Topo USA
The Complete DeLorme Topographic--Street Dataset
Comprised of USGS Digital Topographic Data and Elevation Models blended with the latest Delorme Street and Trail Network. This vector system enables many of the intelligent software features while providing customers with an innovative map database offering the best of all worlds.
Also includes:
- New! Four million points-of-Interest from DeLormes Street Atlas USA
- Backcountry features form the DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteer state series
- Updated campground listings
- Wildlife management units
- Bureau of Land Management lands
- National and scenic park trails
- Thousands of additional trails
- State parks
- E-Z Nav Toolbar: this handy toolbar runs along the top of the interface and offers access to commonly needed options, including GPS settings, the Measure tool, MapShare, and Routing functions.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: New is the ability to set your own keyboard shortcut preferences for optimum control when using GPS. The new key-bindings function is very powerful and advanced so you can design your ideal in-vehicle navigation solution to your own personal specifications.
- NetLink: NetLink is your online link to DeLorme for important technical support messages, as well as the place where you select the download areas you want for use within the software.
Topo USA 7.0: The most Up-to-Date Topographic Mapping Software Available. Includes over 3 million new and updated roads, plus the latest terrain and trail data, BLM and other public lands, and Game Management Districts. The Most Complete Selection of Data and Imagery Options. In addition to the highly-detailed Topo USA maps, you can access a wide variety of indispensable map, chart, and imaginary choices from USGS, NOAA and other sources. Integrate Your Data Downloads with Topo USA 7.0 for Unrivaled Planning, Routing, and Navigating.