by Nova Development
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Discover a collection of intriguing picture riddles and games while locked inside a dark, mysterious house. Reveal hundreds of hidden objects and thrilling secrets as you uncover three different and surprising ways out. Decode a puzzling message, make your own ghosts, unveil a secret room, and more! As an extra bonus, an I Spy mini-CD and book is included.
- Problem solving
- Reading
- Rhyming
- Visual memory
- Logic and reasoning
- Vocabulary
- 39 I SPY riddles--50 percent more
- Three different ways out of the house, each filled with spooky surprises
- Two fast-paced games
- Seven unique ghosts to create
- A secret room to discover
- Special riddle tools
- Free I Spy mini-CD and book included
Discover a collection of intriguing picture riddles and games while locked inside a dark, mysterious house. Reveal hundreds of hidden objects and thrilling secrets as you uncover three different and surprising ways out. Decode a puzzling message, make your own ghosts, unveil a secret room, and more! FREE 10-page I SPY mini book of riddles included in each box. The mini-book contains riddles from five popular I SPY books—I SPY: Book of Picture Riddles, I SPY School Days, I SPY Fantasy, I SPY Spooky Night, and I SPY Mystery.