by Mind Sculptor Software
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Driven by Mind Sculptor Software’s adaptive algorithms and designed by Arvin Vohra (author of The Equation for Excellence), Vocabulary Synapse makes it easier to build an advanced vocabulary for the SAT and GRE. Appropriate for all levels, Vocabulary Synapse contains over 1000 vocabulary words and word roots and over 3000 questions. Students: Have you ever struggled to make your brain memorize vocabulary words? Vocabulary Synapse does it for you. While you relax and click on answer choices, Vocabulary Synapse forces your brain to learn each word. Words you get wrong reappear more often, and each word appears in multiple question types. Soon you will find yourself learning words with much more speed and much less effort than with other systems. Each time you train, you can decide on a target score or try to beat your old score. Parents and Teachers: Vocabulary Synapse is one of the most effortless ways for students to build an advanced vocabulary. But it’s also easy for parents and teachers! With minimal supervision, Vocabulary Synapse will make sure the student learns the vocabulary words. Just tell the student the score he must achieve, and then he can let you know when he reaches that score. There are no shortcuts or ways to trick the system. For example, if a student starts guessing randomly, his score will just rapidly decrease, and even become negative. And any word that the student gets wrong will reappear more and more often, making sure he eventually learns it.