by DreamForce LLC
Buy new: $39.95
(Visit the Best Sellers in Training & Tutorials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Are you looking for in-depth, high quality, easy to follow Microsoft Access 2007 training videos? Well, look no further because our Access training videos are developed and trained by a Microsoft Certified Applications Specialist and Microsoft Certified Trainer; Kirt Kershaw. Kirt Kershaw has a knack to make learning fun and would you believe it if we said, "easy"? You will quickly learn how to build databases, generate reports, and much more. With 136 training videos and over 12 hrs of detailed training in .swf and .wmv formats you will have everything you need to master or if desired; certify in Microsoft Access.
Training Outline:
Access 2007 Level 1 ~ 4.5 hrs of training
Access 2007 Basics (50+ min)
Tables (96+ min)
Queries (51+ min)
Forms (34+ min)
Reports (38+ min)
Access 2007 Level 2 ~ 3.6 hrs of training
Advanced Tables (24+ min)
Advanced Queries (44+ min)
Advanced Forms (52+ min)
Advanced Reports (93+ min)
Access 2007 Level 3 ~ 4.3 hrs of training
More Advanced Tables (28+ min)
More Advanced Queries (48+ min)
Macros (approx 30+ min)
More Advanced Forms (22+ min)
More Advanced Reports (22+ min)
Maintaining Access Database (10+ min)
Database Integration (29+ min)
Distribute Database & Security (24+ min)
SharePoint (24+ min)
Please read some of our customers Reviews:
The trainer was clear and gave good examples. I have done many video trainings in the past and this one was far more valuable. It was not boring and held my interest. Also the layout was good and the lessons went in a logical order. I wish there had been such training before when I certified for Access 97. It would have made the passing the certification easier. Keep up the awesome work. It is appreciated.
Terri W. - Montana