by Sibelius
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Sibelius First software makes it easy to share the songs in your head with the rest of the world. If you're more comfortable with guitar and keyboard then the intricacies of scoring music, Sibelius First is for you. This music notation software is the fast-and-easy way to create great-looking scores using Sibelius software's acclaimed notation technology&mdash-ready to print, share, perform, and post online. Whether you are into rock, classical, funk, or Latin music, Sibelius First provides a music scoring software that can accommodate you. Sibelius First Software lets you work on up to 16 staves of simple to moderate musical ideas. Notation features in the music scoring software include normal and double accidentals; common articulations; single, double, and repeat barline types; fixed brackets and braces, fixed chord symbols, single dotted notes; basic guitar tabs, automatic page numbering; and more! As far as playback, Sibelius First software gives you a limited amount of built-in sounds, including a GM soundbank; limited Live Tempo (conduct playback by tapping); and fixed playback of hairpins, rits, accel, fermatas, and words which affect playback. Publishing-wise, you get a limited ability to edit fonts; a fixed magnetic layout; limited reset position and design of objects; manual adjustment of staff spacing; House Style import; fixed note spacing rules; and more. Other features in the music notation software include the ability to import music/XML files, keyboard shortcuts, single-format display timecode, 6 paper and desktop textures, 8 plug-ins, rehearsal marks, repeat structures, an Ideas Hub, and low-res copy and paste to Word and other programs. These are just a few of the things that help make Sibelius First software worthy of being your first choice for doing your music notation on a computer.