by Amazing eLearning, LLC
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Amazing eLearning presents the complete self-study course for CorelDRAW X3. This is an instructional training program that offers a quick and easy method for harnessing the vast potential of the CorelDRAW X3 graphic design applications. Whether you work in advertising, printing, publishing, sign making, and manufacturing, this tutorial will help you create accurate and creative illustratiions and professional-looking page layouts.
You will spend your time studying and learning the material by following our lessons. In addition, you can study as quickly or slowly you need to. By the time you are ready to find a better job or launch a new project. You will have all the tools, experience and knowledge needed for success.
Introduction to Corel Draw X3 Bitmap vs. Vector
Chapter 1 Getting started with CorelDraw X3
Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Objects (Vector Image)
Chapter 3 Managing Multiple Objects
Chapter 4 Creating and Editing Object Shape
Chapter 5 Working with text and effects
Level 2
Chapter 6 Advance Editing and Creating object
Chapter 7 Advanced Color Filling
Chapter 8 Creating Outlines with Special Effects
Chapter 9 Creating Eye-catching Texts with Special Effects
Chapter 10 Importing, Adjusting and Exporting Bitmap Images