by Topics Entertainment
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Boost your student¿s Middle School Success with the #1 best-selling educational software suite on the market. Ideal for all learning levels, the educator-endorsed and award-winning lessons will improve comprehension in multiple subjects, including algebra, geometry, physical science, world history, American government, writing, foreign languages and more with 400+ activities and 3,000+ exercises! Includes free access to and Encyclopedia Britannica CD-ROM. For grades 6-8. MATH Concepts - Individually tailored lessons teach everything from whole numbers to fractions, algebraic equations, shapes and graphs, and much more! ENGLISH COMPREHENSION - Interactive activities enhance reading comprehension and writing skills that are essential to all subjects. SCIENCE - In-depth tutorials and exciting activities teach students about energy, weather and more in the physical world. SOCIAL STUDIES - Exciting and self-paced activities let your student walk the primitive lands with early man and meet the first Americans. TYPING - Students learn to develop strong keyboarding skills with these engaging games and activities. FOREIGN LANGUAGES - Teach students the basics of 8 languages with interactive games and lessons in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Portuguese.