by Electronic Arts
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Be Harry Potter in a unique new PC adventure with more magic, friendship, and danger. Learn new spells, undertake new quests, make new friends, and challenge new adversaries as you confront the powers at the heart of the Chamber of Secrets. Do you dare face You-Know-Who again?
- Explore rich environments from the colorful Burrow to the dark reaches of the Forbidden Forest.
- Master new spells including Expeliarmus, Diffendo, and Skurge.
- Overcome dangerous foes from Aragog to the Basilisk.
- Take flight to play improved Quidditch.
- Interact with new characters from J.K. Rowling's world, including Dobby, Lockhart, and Ginny Weasley.
Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets lets you return to the Hogwarts school with Harry, for all-new adventures and excitement! All this plus new wizard duels, Quidditch leagues and fun interaction with all of Harry's friends!