by Encore Software
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Rated 4.1 out of 5 by Children's Software Revue!
Develop critical skills in 10 core subject areas: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Typing, Life Science, U.S. History, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Spanish. Make learning fun and stimulating with engaging interactive tutors. The comprehensive set of tools in Middle School Advantage is guaranteed to help you succeed in school!
Pre-Algebra: enhance your basic math skills with in-depth, interactive tutorials.
- Self-paced learning on multiple topics from Fractions to Place Value
- Audio instructions walk you through each step
- Review your performance and determine areas of additional focus
- Study with a step-by-step guide.
- Solve linear equations, learn how to graph and more
- A fun, animated tutorial guides you through each lesson
- Progress reports help you track your improvement
- 28 self-paced lessons
- Study 25 subject areas From Quadrilaterals to Theorems to Polynomials
- Full color, animated visuals
- Apply your knowledge to 28 real world problems
- Tons of challenging practice problems
- Enjoy 8 games and interesting practice articles
- Hand guides show you the correct finger positions
- Design your own typing plans to personalize your experience
- Increase speed and accuracy
- 25 fully rotating 3D models in a multimedia presentation
- Hundreds of detailed, full-color illustrations
- Extensive search function and cross-referencing
- An amazing visual tutor
- Topics cover key historical events such as the Civil War and more
- Multiple choice quizzes test your knowledge
- Additional research resources provided through web sites and & book lists
- Hundreds of photos, maps & charts
- Gradually gain command over new levels of word complexity
- Exercise your knowledge with engaging crossword puzzles
- Fun quizzes and word search games supplement the lessons
- Learn 800 impressive words
- Reference useful tables & charts explaining sentence structures
- Noun types, verb tenses & more are covered in dozens of chapters
- Check your progress with frequent quizzes and a diagnostic test
- Includes helpful hints & strategies
- Add over 2,000 unabridged texts to your library
- Instantly search or access any selected word across all texts
- Punctuate your writing with quotes from renowned authors
- Fully animated interface
- Phrases spoken by native speakers with over 800 real-life color pictures
- Develop key language skills: Comprehension, Reading, Speaking & Writing
- 22 lessons with 12 fun activities in each
- Award-winning teaching method
Get the most out of Microsoft Excel 2000 with an incredible tutoring program. The on-screen coach will walk you through the basics of this indispensable spreadsheet program that will help you while in school and well after you graduate.
Develop critical skills in 10 core subjects presented in a fun environment. Covers: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Spanish, Reading, Typing, Grammar, Vocabulary, U.S. History, and Life Science.