by PG Music
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Band-in-a-Box Pro 2010 is jam-packed with over 50 exciting new features and enhancements! The award winning Band-in-a-Box is so easy to use! Just type in the chords to any song (like C or Fm7b5), choose a musical style from the hundreds available, and click the [Play] button. Band-in-a-Box automatically generates a full backing arrangement including RealDrums and RealTracks. That's right, LIVE audio recordings of actual musicians. There are some exciting new features in Band-in-a-Box. We've added a new "Plug-in" mode, allowing you to simply Drag-n-Drop tracks between Band-in-a-Box and your favorite sequencer (RealBand, Sonar, Reaper, ProTools, FL-Studio, Nuendo and more). RealTracks generate much faster now, typically 3X faster. RealTracks now support Shots, Holds, and Pushes. Endings are improved, and RealTracks endings are now 4 bars long, giving time for the natural decay of the instruments. Individual MIDI or Real Tracks can be frozen now, so the arrangements can be saved and fixed, and will replay quickly without need for regeneration. Soloist RealTracks are now saved with the song. We added Multiple Undo support, up to 999 levels of Undo. There are new Reverb and Bass/Treble controls for each track, allowing you to add these to individual Real tracks. All settings are now saved with each song. And many more!