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Show them the money. Use compelling charts and graphs to show stakeholders what you mean at a glance. With Excel 2011 for Mac, everyone from beginners to professional number crunchers can quickly create great-looking financial reports.
Smarter, sharper ways to visualize and present your data.
In Excel 2011, Sparklines give you the ability to easily create charts and graphs that quickly summarize your data. With Sparklines, also available in Windows-based Office 2010, you can see--and show--the story your data is telling, in a compact space. And Excel 2011 PivotTables are easily manipulated and highly compatible with the Windows version--making working with your data even easier and more intuitive.
Analyze, organize, and share your data and lists.
Clarify your financial picture with easy-to-analyze spreadsheets you can post online to view, edit, share, or coauthor with your team from virtually anywhere.
- Clarify your data using Conditional Formatting with icons, data bars, and color scales.
- Spot trends with new Sparklines, small charts that fit in a single cell.
- Spend more time analyzing data and less time sifting through it with PivotTables.
- Organize, filter, and format related data with Excel tables.
- Increase efficiency and save time by automating repetitive tasks using Visual Basic.
- View, edit, store, and share spreadsheets online with the Excel Web App on Windows Live SkyDrive.*
- Share and coauthor Excel spreadsheets with virtually anyone, whether they're using Office on a Mac or PC.
* Requires a Windows Live ID, internet connection and supported browser.
What's New and Improved for 2011
Office Web Apps
Post, edit, and share files from virtually anywhere.
Simultaneously edit a file with authors in multiple locations.
Access favorite commands quickly, and personalize your workspace.
Template Gallery
Visually select the perfect template for your next project.
Create small charts in a single cell to discover patterns in your data.
Visual Basic Support
Automate repetitive tasks by programming your favorite commands.
Manage your data, Display data visually and Spot trends with Sparklines.