by Musitek
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Scan & Play! There is simply no faster way to get printed music into your computer. Scan in sheet music with up to four staves per system (4 joined parts), play back then save the MIDI file. SmartScore’s SmartScan interface operates almost any scanner and adjusts each setting automatically. No guesswork or expertise required. SmartScore recognizes more musical symbols more accurately and more quickly than any other music-scanning product. Nuances written into scores are accurately captured resulting in astonishing playback realism. Use the fully integrated notation, MIDI piano-roll and MIDI list editors to correct mistakes and easily make changes to your music. Instantly add or create multiple drum patterns with the Auto-Drum Groove to enhance the playback. Recognize PDF files from the Internet and send finished MIDI files to your favorite notation, sequencing package or to your friends. SmartScore MIDI Edition is more than a powerful tool; it’s also a lot of fun!